About Me

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stomping in Jack O'lantern's Weather

Jim Morrison once said, "I'm just trying to get my kicks in before this shit house goes down in flames." 

That attitude might explain why he died young. I don't know, I wasn't there. 

It seems like there is a lot to be stressed and panicked about lately- on a local, national and global level- but there are also some fantastic things coming out of the '09 crisis-fest.

I'm choosing to go to the pumpkin stand. More to come. 

Monday, March 9, 2009


At some point I would like to get rid of my cell phone.

At this point, that is not logistically possible.

Dream small.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ides of March

I have found that nothing cures a cranky Kimberly like a long ride alone, leftovers lurking in the refrigerator and a four hour nap on the holiest-of-holy couches in my parents' living room. Not even gale-force winds out of the East and roads with no bike lanes could make this day less satisfying. 

Happy March.