I have come to the realization that the people that qualify as my closest friends have an uncanny ability to dispense quotable phrases and words. Now, as someone who's in love with words and phrases, this is not entirely profound or surprising. But something I would like to honor. Thanks, friends.
For example, today I was given insight and advice about my, uh, "condition" that rendered me immobile for the greater part of the day.
From my Mom, I received a motto that she says she used to live by on business trips.
"If you're gonna play, you gotta pay."
Meaning, she used to go out and get shitblasted and then have seminars to attend the next morning. And she owned it. (It's hard to imagine my Mom hungover at a business conference). It is a good motto though. And I paid in full today. And missed my WS class. In all honesty, I suffer for that more than the class does. Every session missed is a missed opportunity to become more conscious of the dynamics and forces that govern the life I lead. Not something I would like to make a trend. I did have an awesome time raging and bonding with some of my lady friends last night, to be sure. It's a trade off.
From Roja, I received this:
" You can either eat some pills or wait it out. That's my life motto. Either way, you're gonna get through it."
Although it was hilarious when I first heard it, it seems fairly applicable to my last week. I took the last few days to process some recent events and relationships. And it's true, each day it got easier to address the emotions that had been idling in my brain and body.
Pills or not.
My headspace feels wholly less polluted. Now if only I could get the toxins out of my body...
Oh, hey. Got my bike back.
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