About Me

Monday, November 16, 2009

On A Clear Day

Listening to Midlake and Mr. Bird...

Today is the second day this week that I could see my breath in the small hours of the dayn'night. It is finally getting cooler. Though I fear the frost may snatch away my sunflowers in the dark, I welcome its presence.

I woke up this morning in the 5 hour to finish some homework and had quite a bit of time to spare before class. I made myself a misto, put on some Rasta Root and cleaned up some details on painting number two in my ______ series. I am pleasantly surprised with the evolution and likeness of the second painting to that in my original vision. Whether or not the recipients are happy with the product, I see these works as a personal victory in my artistic career. I very much see myself in the figures.

I came home from morning class with a feeling of ease and peace. Baya (kitten) ran up to the door as I rolled up on my bicycle and we entered our safe haven together. Breakfast mess form the morning cleaned up now; I'm ready for an easy bike ride around the town in the brisk weather.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Holy Shit

I DO play games with people. Not purposefully... but because I am afraid of my affection or interest coming off too intense. I am afraid of rejection. I am afraid of alienating people because I care, because I desire more. I am afraid of my own intensity, so I try and hide it. Coax it into submission.

Which really helps no one, because I am an intense person, whether I like it or not.


Life, man.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Evoking My Social Avatar

There's nothing to be afraid of- but everything to protect. No longer reliant on a source of outward reassurance. Empty. Not full. Not scared. Not anything.

What is most primal in me in not summoned by ghosts or whispers. It comes from a sound, a drum, a rhythm. Beating. Dreaming. It's there. The passion that I fear will engulf me is that which will save me if I let it. And yet I must let nothing come between it and myself. Nothing to coax me into insecurity. No burning bush, long-haired snake or apple. It wants not. I waste not.

Amazing to realize that the person I thought I was, the things I wanted to be, are not me. I pretended I didn't have opinions because I didn't think I was entitled to them. I didn't believe in my experiences enough to rely on their feedback. I was ashamed of my emotional responses, suspect of my conclusions.

In the past I feared hurting others so fervently that I forgot that I also counted as a person. You can be told that over and over till your cup is full, but nothing will convince you. Only a disconnect between an essential physical being and a sentient, thinking self can create such a sad disjuncture. I look upon myself as someone looks upon a malnourished child, a crying best friend, a wounded lover. And I see such a shattered heart. It maps the states of my wandering.

It records my spite, my anxiety, my hurt, my love disguised as indifference, my lies. It carries no legend.

It is an empty window in my chest that carries no mass of burdens and also no hope. It merely sits and sings out the sorrow of neglect.

It is a black hole. A vengeful space that dares to swallow any who comes my way and steps on a fault line.

It is my heart. It is a good heart.

I carry no capacity for arguing or being patient for those that do not give. Simply because I have nothing to give, either. My energy, my love, my primal scream. My tender smiles, my flirtations, my prose and verses. It is all gone. And I do not mourn it.

I only hurt for myself. Cry for my Self. See myself rise and fall as one sees the tides in a crystal ball. I am contained and I am everywhere. I am level. No hate. No pain.

I cannot follow the same dance steps. Wear the same shoes. Follow a partner that lacks no grace. I merely sit and watch the time pass.

What is here today is here tomorrow and gone, gone, gone is my sorrow.